Learn how to install ISPConfig3 open source hosting control panel on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


In this video tutorial I will demonstrate how to quickly install the ISPCONFIG3 web hosting control panel on Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS. ISPConfig3 is a widely used open source free to use, download and share hosting control panel for Linux, licensed under BSD license and developed by the company ISPConfig UG. The ISPConfig3 project was started in autumn 2005 by Till Brehm from the German company projektfarm GmbH. It is basically a web server managed software that allows website owners and web administrators to manage a website, emails, billing, web clients and more with absolute ease and peace of mind. It is also a free solution with more than 40 000 downloads a month that is:

1) Open Source, transparent, free.
2) stable, secure und ultra-fast.
3) continuous development.
4) huge documentation and big community with support forum.
5) enterprise support.

Read this tutorial to learn how to install ISPConfig3 on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in a few simple steps


The following is a list of items needed to complete the installation successfully:
1) A desktop with 4GB RAM, a dual core processor and atleast 50GB of free disk space
2) Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or any newer version
3) Cloud servers: A fully qualified domain name and a public static IP address may be needed
4) An SSH client such as Putty or Terminal
5) A stable internet connection.


The following is an overview of the steps covered in this guide:
1) Create an instance on AWS LightSail or at any other equivalent cloud service
2) Open an SSH connection to the instance and update the system repository
3) Download and install ISPConfig3
4) Login to the ISPConfig3 dashboard
5) Conclusion and next steps

Step 1: Create an instance on AWS Lightsail or at any other equivalent cloud service.

The first step is creating an instance on AWS LightSail or at any other equivalent cloud service. For AWS users, login to your account and open the LightSail dashboard. Click the Create Instance button and select an AWS Region and Availability Zone. On the “Select A Platform” section, choose Linux / Unix and select Ubuntu 20.04 on the “Select a blueprint” section. Choose an instance plan and set the name of the instance. Click the Create Instance button to deploy the Linux Ubuntu 20.04 instance.

Step 2: Open an SSH connection to the instance and update the system repository

When the instance state changes to ‘running’, click on the instance name and click on the ‘Connect’ tab. Click the ‘Download default key’ link to download the security key pair file needed to open an SSH connection to the server.

If you’re using a Mac, open the terminal app and run the following command to set the keypair file to readonly:

cd Downloads
chmod 400 keypair-file.pem

Remember to replace keypair-file.pem with the actual name of the downloaded keypair. Proceed to run the following command to connect to the Ubuntu instance:

ssh -i 'keypair-file.pem' ubuntu@ip-address-of-ubuntu-server

Replace ‘ip-address-of-ubuntu-server’ with the actual IP address of the instance. If you are using a Windows device follow these steps to connect to your instance:

1. Start PuTTYgen and choose “Load”. Change the file type filter to display all files, then select your .pem file and open it.
2. Confirm the successful import and save the private key without a passphrase.
3. Open PuTTY and enter the public IP address of your Lightsail instance into the “Host Name” field.
4. Leave the port as default (22) and navigate to SSH > Auth to choose the previously created .ppk file as credentials.
5. Open the connection, accept the trust prompt, and login using the appropriate default username based on your instance’s operating system. Save the connection settings for future use.

Step 3: Download and install ISPConfig3

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