How to install LibreChat, a free private chat platform with AI capabilities.


LibreChat is a free, open-source AI chat platform that allows users to interact with multiple AI models through a single web-based user interface, offering high customization options. It supports a wide range of AI providers and services, including OpenAI, Gemini, Anthropic, and Ollama. LibreChat can be installed locally or deployed on a server, making it versatile for different use cases. In this article, we will explore the features, installation methods, and capabilities of LibreChat.


The following is a list of items needed to complete the installation successfully:
1) Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS desktop or server edition
2) An SSH client such as Putty or the Terminal app for macOS
3) A public or private static IP address on the Ubuntu computer
4) A domain name pointing to the IP address of the Ubuntu computer
5) A stable internet connection


The following is an overview of the steps covered in this guide:
1) Download and install LibreChat using NPM
2) Complete the post installation setup wizard
3) Access the LibreChat webadmin and test the application
4) TIP: Install LibreChat using Docker
5) Conclusion and next steps

Step 1: Download and install LibreChat using NPM

The first step is downloading and installing LibreChat using NPM. Before starting the installation, make sure you have all the necessary prerequisites installed on your system. Run the following commands:
sudo curl -o- | bash
nvm install 20
node -v
npm -v
2. Next, clone the official LibreChat repository, which contains all the files needed to build LibreChat. Run the following commands:
git clone
cd LibreChat
cp .env.example .env
3. Now, open the .env file and update the MONGO_URI with your own MongoDB URI.
4. Once the preparation steps are completed, run the following command to install all the necessary dependencies:
npm ci
5. After installing the dependencies, build the frontend of LibreChat:
npm run frontend
6. Create a folder on your system for MongoDB data files (e.g., /path/to/data/directory). Then start the MongoDB server:
/usr/bin/mongod --dbpath=/path/to/data/directory
7. After setting up the MongoDB, build the backend of LibreChat:
npm run backend
8. Once the backend is set up, you can access LibreChat at the following URL: http://localhost:3080/

Step 2: Access the LibreChat webadmin and test the application

To start using LibreChat, you need to sign up and log in. Once you have completed the initial steps, you will see a simple interface that focuses on the conversation. LibreChat also allows you to create custom prompts and customize the platform to your liking through the settings panel.

LibreChat’s web interface serves as a gateway to various AI models, providing access to models from providers such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini.

To make the most of LibreChat, you will need to connect it to other AI services using APIs. For example, if you want to use Google’s Gemini API, you will have to obtain an API key and add it to your .env file.

TIP: Install LibreChat using Docker

An alternative way some users may find simple, is to install LibreChat using Docker. Docker is a popular platform designed to help you build, share, and run container applications. Run the commands below to install docker on your Ubuntu system:
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
When the installation completes, run the following commands to add Docker’s official GPG key:
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add the docker repository with the command:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
Update the system package index and install docker with the commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
sudo curl -L "$(curl -s | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Check if Docker is installed and running using the command:
sudo systemctl status docker
You should see output indicating that the Docker service is active and running. Once docker is installed and running, you can clone the LibreChat repository and tun the docker compose file:
git clone
cd LibreChat
cp .env.example .env
sudo docker compose up -d

Conclusion and next steps

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed LibreChat and are now ready to explore the exciting world of AI-powered chat.

Here are some next steps to consider:

1) LibreChat supports a wide range of AI models. Use the platform to interact with different models and discover their unique capabilities. Experiment with crafting creative prompts to get the most out of each model.
2)  LibreChat allows you to personalize the interface and define custom prompts. Take advantage of these features to tailor your experience and make LibreChat work best for you.
3) Unlock additional functionalities by connecting LibreChat with other AI services through APIs. Research different providers and integrate their APIs to expand your chat capabilities.
4) Engage with the LibreChat community by visiting the project’s official channels (e.g., GitHub repository, forums). Share your experiences, ask questions, and contribute to the development of this open-source project.

Remember, LibreChat is an ongoing project with regular updates and improvements. Please visit the home page or the search feature to find more helpful tutorials and how to guides such as this one. We hope that this tutorial has been informative and we’d like to thank you for reading it!

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